The Conditions, Restrictions and Stipulations (hereinafter referred to as the Covenants) do not prohibit a private owner of a residence in the Cat Island Beach Developers Pigeon Cay subdivision from renting or leasing his or her own home when the homeowner is not present. The Vendor, Cat Island Beach Developers has confirmed this understanding. There are restrictions in the Covenants with regard to operating a business on your property.

The Government of the Bahamas Hotel Act has created a category to support “Owner Occupied Rental Homes” (OORH). Attached is the latest document in PDF format on OORH from the Bahamas, outlining the program, procedures, inspections, operations and audits. Homeowners who are interested in renting their home should should click on the link below to download and then study, complete and submit the applications.

OORH Basic Requirements September 2016