The following is a partial list of phone numbers we have found important to have for use when on Cat Island. We suggest printing this page for ready reference.

Emergency Phone Numbers

Arthur’s Town Police Station 242-354-2046
US Embassy in Nassau 242-322-1181 After Hours No. 242-328-2206
Medical Clinic-Orange Creek 242-354-4050 (North of Pigeon Cay)
Medical Clinic-Smith’s Bay 242-342-3026 (South of Pigeon Cay)
Batelco (Arthur’s Town) 242-354-2060 Open Tue & Thu
Batelco (New Bight) 242-342-3060 Open M-W-F
Bahamas Electricity, The Cove 242-342-8001
Water Delivery-Donny Newbold 242-464-8331
Smith’s Bay Dock 242-342-2149

Restaurants and Bars

Shannas Cove Resort, Orange Creek 242-354-4249
Da Smoke Pot, Arthur’s Town 242-354-2094
Boggie Pond, Arthur’s Town 242-354-2215
Yardie’s, Bennett’s Harbour 242-354-6076
Sammy T’s Resort, Wilson Bay 242-354-6009
Kizzie’s, Orange Creek 242-354-4044
Fernandez Bay Village,New Bight 242-342-3043
Blue Bird, New Bight 242-342-3095
Greenwood Resort, Way South 242-342-3053

Gas and Diesel Fuel-Car Repair

Yardie’s, Bennett’s Harbour 242-354-6076
Club Crystal, Orange Creek 242-354-4030
Shell Service, New Bight 242-342-3014
Favor’s Service, Old Bight 242-342-4107
Kendel’s Car Service, Knowles 242-464-6017
Hawk’s Nest Resort and Marina 242-342-7050

Local Airports

Sky Bahamas Arthur’s Town 242-354-2035
Sky Bahamas New Bight 242-342-2125


H&W Island Market (closest) 242-354-1013
C&S Hardware and Food, Dumfries 242-354-5125
Orange Creek Inn (north end) 242-354-4110 (Ms. Cleare)
Mt. Alvernia Foods (Cindy Moss) 242-342-2042
Gilbert’s Market NewBight(Candy’s) 242-342-3011
Neighborhood Market (Michael’s) 242-342-6016
700 Wines and Liquors (New Bight)242-342-3169

Hardware and Plumbing Supplies

H&W Island Market (closest) 242-354-1013
C&S Hardware and Food, Dumfries 242-354-5125
MLR Hardware New Bight 242-342-2122
Mark Cleare (Plumber) Orange Ck 242-454-6690

Local Fishermen

Tito’s Fish Thurston Hill 242-354-1097
Shandy Dawkins Strachan Hill 242-354-1104
Ricky Dean, Wilson Bay 242-474-8042

Car Rental and Taxi

Yardie’s, Bennett’s Harbour 242-354-6076
Danny King Wilson Bay 242-354-5088 (Home) 242-474-8615 (Cell)
Mt. Alvernia Rental (Cindy Moss)242-342-2042
Gilbert’s Rentals New Bight 242-342-3011